Thursday, August 27, 2009

My baby boy crying

Hi all!

4 this post, i wanna show u guys although my boy cry out loud with tears n scream but still look cute n as parents we can't do anything except pujuk n pujuk(sometimes biar je!).

Here some pix n vid how loud n manja he is! ...

p/s: being mother is not easy... need patient n love to make them cool down. also bit if creativity!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Elmann si pemandu yg comel!

Jom kite tgk Elmann si pemandu comel! Don't believe? Just watch this video!

Eating out!


Sorry 4 not updating d' blog. Almaklumla, rite now is Ramadhan d' month that all muslim n muslimah r waiting. Selamat berpuasa to all of u, jgn puasa yok..yok tau!

4 this post, juz share wit u guys bout how excited elmann (incl his umie n babah) eating out. 4 so long, we've not eat at secret recipe. If i've not mistaken, this is d 1st we ate at S.R since elmann was born (slalu mkn kt fast food / melayu stall). This time, umie yg blanje... huhuhu

check out pix below:

mood baik... so duduk dlm baby chair :) mkn nasi pun nk dekat 1/2 habis diesorg tp share dgn umie la

comotnye pas mkn kek

Usually, babah mkn dulu pas tu umie. But now, we can eat together just like family. Hehe...

Monday, August 10, 2009

Selamat Hari Jadi...ELMANN!

From Baby to Toddler...

Hi all!!

Just wanna share with u guys my son's journey from being a baby to toddler. After waiting 4 9 months and 5 days, finally miracle cried was heard. Yes, it's from Elmann. Born on 10 August 2008, at 12.05 pm. Alhamdullilah, he was born normal( a lilltle help of vaccum) and weight just 2.88 kg( alahai, keciknye tp comei!). At that time, i just can't believe that i'm a mother now. Holding & caressing for the 1st time was tear & blessing from Allah 4 giving both of us chance to be called Umie & Babah. Alhamdullilah once again.

Time had passed. Me & hubby always said can't wait to see him smile, giggle, laugh, crawl, play, explore,talk and walk. But now... things both of us waiting 4 happened except walking(biler la anak umie nk brjln). All things he do(although sometimes tiring) make both of us smile and share d best medicine to our sourness life(phm x bhs aku tu?)

Here some pix of his from baby to toddler...

So... that's it guys. As parents, we always wanna see moments of our child growing up. We r lucky to b Elmann's parents & always pray good, healthy, happy, everything thing nice 4 him. Always b anak soleh to Umie & Babah... Elmann.


Sunday, August 9, 2009

D' Birthday

Hi all!

We meet again and i'm sure u guys r waiting 4 d' new update bout Elmann. Guess what... tomorrow is my son 1st birthday. Yup, his 1 year already and growing up so quick. We can't believe that both of us had 1 year being Umie & Babah.

Today, we've celebrated his 1st birthday... together with his cousins(should b celebrate tomorrow becoz of some reasons, just held it today). Anyway, it turns to b very fun & he enjoy it too. Here, I post some of his birthday pix.

Here's come d birthday boy!! How cute is he!!
D' nicest birthday cake and delicious(seriously not kidding!)... Umie la pilih!

D' cutting cake ceremony...
With his cousins...
With Pak long... This is the suprise present 4 him...

That's all folks. Next post, i'll try to post a video on his birthday(kalo dptla!). See u guys again.
p/s: these pix tribute to my family at kuching. hope u guys enjoy!

Things 4 birthday parte!

Hi all!

Like i've promise to u, i'm gonna share things that i had bought 4 my son birthday.
Well, i'm not having big parte' 4 my son but just wanna celebrate his 1st birthday enjoyable and suits him,which he still baby(tau jela baby kn fussy skit).

This is a crown 4 our birthday boy!!

Finally, guess what we've bought 4 our little prince...

So guys... tomorrow is d parte'. The cake will be ready by tomorrow & special shirts that we've ordered for ourselves.

Stay tune, k!

Next episode: D' birthday

Saturday, August 8, 2009

To Begin With...

Hi all!
Akhirnye, tercipte gak sebuah blog yg dh lame nk buat. I decided to make a blog bout my son Muhammad Elmann Rafieqin bin Hafeiz(name babahnye pendek je) means seorang ilmuan terpuji or seorg yg terpuji berdampingan ilmu.

What so special bout this blog? Well, the purpose is to share every memory with all of u especially to my family who stay far from us(famili kt Kuching, Labuan, Kelantan& sewaktu dgnnye) & not to forget family near here... So saper yg boring2 tu, ley nengok kt blog elmann nih!

Ok guys! That's all from now!

Next Chapter: Things for birthday party