Saturday, August 8, 2009

To Begin With...

Hi all!
Akhirnye, tercipte gak sebuah blog yg dh lame nk buat. I decided to make a blog bout my son Muhammad Elmann Rafieqin bin Hafeiz(name babahnye pendek je) means seorang ilmuan terpuji or seorg yg terpuji berdampingan ilmu.

What so special bout this blog? Well, the purpose is to share every memory with all of u especially to my family who stay far from us(famili kt Kuching, Labuan, Kelantan& sewaktu dgnnye) & not to forget family near here... So saper yg boring2 tu, ley nengok kt blog elmann nih!

Ok guys! That's all from now!

Next Chapter: Things for birthday party

1 comment:

  1. wah..misti babah dier seorang yang hensem,kacak bergaya serta macho..kan?
