Sunday, August 23, 2009

Eating out!


Sorry 4 not updating d' blog. Almaklumla, rite now is Ramadhan d' month that all muslim n muslimah r waiting. Selamat berpuasa to all of u, jgn puasa yok..yok tau!

4 this post, juz share wit u guys bout how excited elmann (incl his umie n babah) eating out. 4 so long, we've not eat at secret recipe. If i've not mistaken, this is d 1st we ate at S.R since elmann was born (slalu mkn kt fast food / melayu stall). This time, umie yg blanje... huhuhu

check out pix below:

mood baik... so duduk dlm baby chair :) mkn nasi pun nk dekat 1/2 habis diesorg tp share dgn umie la

comotnye pas mkn kek

Usually, babah mkn dulu pas tu umie. But now, we can eat together just like family. Hehe...

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