Monday, August 10, 2009

From Baby to Toddler...

Hi all!!

Just wanna share with u guys my son's journey from being a baby to toddler. After waiting 4 9 months and 5 days, finally miracle cried was heard. Yes, it's from Elmann. Born on 10 August 2008, at 12.05 pm. Alhamdullilah, he was born normal( a lilltle help of vaccum) and weight just 2.88 kg( alahai, keciknye tp comei!). At that time, i just can't believe that i'm a mother now. Holding & caressing for the 1st time was tear & blessing from Allah 4 giving both of us chance to be called Umie & Babah. Alhamdullilah once again.

Time had passed. Me & hubby always said can't wait to see him smile, giggle, laugh, crawl, play, explore,talk and walk. But now... things both of us waiting 4 happened except walking(biler la anak umie nk brjln). All things he do(although sometimes tiring) make both of us smile and share d best medicine to our sourness life(phm x bhs aku tu?)

Here some pix of his from baby to toddler...

So... that's it guys. As parents, we always wanna see moments of our child growing up. We r lucky to b Elmann's parents & always pray good, healthy, happy, everything thing nice 4 him. Always b anak soleh to Umie & Babah... Elmann.


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